In this assignment, we're asked to design a survival kit from the invention/s made by USM from the past few years back.
The inventions I've choose are:
1) Cempedak (Artocarpus Integer) seeds flour as an innovative fibre ingredient in bakery
product - bread - 2007
2) Haruan Spray for burn and wound - 2007
3) EMofaceID: Online face identification system using real-time eyes and mouth tracker (EMo
Tracker) - 2007
4) Aqua marine video enhancement tool (Aqua Video T) - 2007
5) Vehicle m0nitoring system - The Surveillance System of The Future - 2007
6) UV B radiation Monitoring - 2005
Cempedak seed flour
Carbohydrate is the main source of energy. During disaster time, we need food to survive. Hence, bread is one of the most easiest and convenient food to be brought on broad. However, normal bread do not contain any dietary fibre.
Cempedak seed flour contain carbohydrate, protein, minerals and most importantly dietary fibre. This type of flour maintain the qualities of white bread while providing fibre. Hence, bread made from cempedak seed flour are more healthy.
The fruits are first been separated from the seeds. then the seed are cleaned and dry. After that, the seeds are crushed and grind into powder like.

This is how the machine in my survival kit produce the cempedak seed flour.
Haruan spray for burn and wound
Haruan (Canna Striatus) contain all essential amino acids and unique fatty acids that able accelerate the healing of wounds. Although it have been formulated in various forms such as cream and films, however, it is easily contaminated. It also have limited size and singly packed. Worse of all is the films do not cover the wound entirely.Hence, with aerosol, these problems are solved. aerosol reduces pain as we do not need to rub the wound. The productions are also sterile. It have soothing effect and comfortable on the skin. Besides, we will not disturb the wound bed on removal of the film.
Any passengers on the Ibu/pondok can be heal in an instantwith this haruan spray.
Picture taken from galeri penyelidikan USM : The Haruan Spray
Location of the spray and the flour..
EMoFaceID is used to identify a person using eyes and mouth. Usually, this system identify a person using the entire face. These features utilized as an independent component and can perform well even the mouth is covered. It also can handle identification within plus minus 15 degree from the frontal pose.
With this function, hacking of the computer system can be prevented as the hacker are no longer able to use picture of the person to be identify by the system.
The people of the Ibu need to identify their identity using this system before can use the computer and machine of the survival kit.

Picture taken from galeri penyelidikan USM : this picture show how the system works
location of the EMoFaceID in the survival kit
Aquamarine Video Enchancement(Aqua Video T)
All underwater videos and pictures are always affected by noise, blurring, colour constancy and reflection. All of this can be overcome by using aqua video T. This tool is simple, quick and user friendly. It helps to correct the colour of the video, encoding and decoding the process and also remove the noise and sharpen the images. Hence, clearer images can be seen. This tool is not only for the underwater images but also for normal pictures and videos.
This tool is installed in the survival kit to enhance the video quality from the camera situated above and below the Ibu. These camera function to monitor the situation outside and alert the people whenever danger approach Ibu.
Vehicle Monitoring System
This system used to monitor the surrounding area. It incoporates two core technologies : notion detection and image processing. This system also have built in 3D interaction map of all locations that it covers to provide details for security purposes. User also can view and print daily or monthly reports for reviewing purposes.
Cameras are installed for security purpose on the above and below Ibu. With this system, any inturder or danger can be detected easily. Images will be sharpen by the Aqua video T to have a clear image.
Location of the Aqua marine T and Vehicle monitoring system
UV B Radiation
It detects and measure the solar radiation that reach the earth. It provides information on the level of radiation and alert the people whenever the level is dangerous. The people of the Pondok will know and will protect themselves from the exposure of the dangerous ray.
All of the systems are connected to the computer.
My progress:

First sketch

2nd sketch


the cempedak seed flour machine.. it is situated beside the computer

computerizes monitoring system

My survival kit...

the alarm to alert people

the cempedak seed flour machine

location of the cameras and the solar radiation detector...

Location of my survival kit...