Wednesday, August 25, 2010

5A 3-Min Theaterette

we're divided to groups of 10... this time we need to come out with a 3-minute theaterette about Merdeka.

My team name was : 1 world, 1 team
Theme: unity
Slogan: United we stand
Group members:
Loh Chin Bok (Leader)
Yvonne Lai
Lee Joe Win
Lim Shu Hui
Nelson Wong
Toh Shenq Jia
Yang Aida Yuhannis
Bie Xinyu
Mahram Akhavan
Tan Chin Gee

Intention: study the forms, costumes, prop, entry and etc
Actor: the group members
Product: a 3-min theaterette
act: relate the story line with unity
rule: storyline must be related with themes
Place: HBP

this are the pictures....

group discussion

draft of our theaterette

preparing for the last reharsal

drawing the dot for the "indian"

wear the sarong

doing the mask

practicing.... this is our narator

practice dance moves

tie hair... ugh, ugly!

tie a bun

during our preformance....

when doing this assignment, we learn about expressing ourselves. Be free and let the emotions in us to do all the work. we learned props, costumes, sound and light. how it affect the whole theaterette.

our theaterette begins by introducing the 3 major races living in a village but they never get to know each other around 1940s. one day, the Japanese came and take over the village. they create chaos. they killed both the Chinese little girl and malay man who try to save the Chinese little girl. this caused the villagers to stand up and fight for their rights and freedom.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Project 4: Urbanity

Merdeka is around the corner... we need to think out a proposal for the countdown script and also the idea of space, forms and etc surrounding the area.

walking to the bus station at Sungai Dua

in the bus

reached komtar

penang time square~

The stage

cute little grocery shop

trying to get info

dinner time

group discussion

sketch done by Mahram

plan done by Chin Bok

presentation day


all of us done a great job and we learned about space, forms more details by see the buildings or construction with our own eyes.

the site visit really teached me a lot.

for this project,
Intention : Youth Jam 2010 (Merdeka Countdown)
People : Us
Place: Penang Times Square
Act : site visit to familiarize the area
Rule : Program must contain BST usage, mask and the 6-black balloon box
Product: Our proposal/presentation

Sunday, August 15, 2010

convo sketch

we've learned golden section.... so this time, our assignment is to sketch out the environment of convo week by applying the golden section.

this is mine:

the real picture

my sketch

my sketch~

Saturday, August 14, 2010

3C - 6-Balloons Black bamboo box

This time we gonna make a box for the merdeka countdown celebration.

this is the process of making one:


blowing the balloon to determine the standard size


cutting the bamboo to several parts

bamboo parts

measuring the length

my bamboo sticks

proposed drawing

enhanced the structure using hot glue after tie

finished skeleton

my box...

unfortunately its heavy and in convenient for me to carry as its big. so its a rejected project and we have to redo all over again..

wait for the next update of the new bamboo black box...

3B - black box

Black box....

when the first time i heard it, i can only think about a box that is total black. as the lecture went on, i get to understand what it is. Its a box that contain what is the most important things to us - include the seen and unseen.

so here's mine:

cut and paste from my sketch book

after washed with colours

Friday, August 6, 2010

3A : Casket4Me

Previous lesson, we learn about dimensions. Know our own dimensions, etc. So we're assigned to sketch out our casket a.k.a coffin for ourselves. By measuring our own body using jengka, we used ratio to draw our casket.

For this assignment:
Intention : Knowing dimension
Act : practicing drawing human dimensions and cubes
People: Me / HBP 1st Year studentRule : Measurement, in this case we use jengkaProduct : sketches of our casket
Place : HBP offices

As im not a creative person, i end up with something rather simple...

my a3 board

casket and sarong

me inside.. its rather blur~

my friends carrying me^^

the end....

here, i learn a lot about human dimension and how to draw human being....

Monday, August 2, 2010


Today we're taught about dimensions. human dimensions...

on the spot, Mr. Wan asked us to draw 2 things using 2 a3 papers. 1st is drawing using scale (we used jengkal, which is the length of our thumb tip till the pointer tip.

this is what we've drawn:

my body in 3 scale


here, the intention is to teach us how to draw by dimension. using dimension, we can draw a lot of things. so, we act by during the exercises given and produced this two drawings.

Dots and Lines

Last 2 weeks ago, we're given a task to draw two building or the surrounding of HBP - one using dots, the other using lines. so here's my work

my line....


overall, here i learned how to be patient. i never learn how to draw before so i refer to my friends and do some research. im quite satisfied but i know i can do better if i practice more.